Domain names for private practice: Exciting new alternatives
When I started writing Clinics in the Cloud, “Presence: Your online business platform” was the first section I wrote. This section includes a discussion of domain names. Prior to that, I’d written a blog post and other articles about choosing a good...
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Accessing Google Analytics
Testing and measuring is one of the most important activities a business owner (or practice manager) can do. This applies equally to your website and its performance, but it remains a topic that very few people are interested in. Why you...
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APA Conference 2013, Melbourne Australia
We are attending the Australian Physiotherapy Association's "New Moves" conference this month. It is being held in our home city Melbourne, so we are very excited. Drop by and say "hi" at booth 30, near the APA booth. It's not...
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Clinics in the Cloud
Just a quick and personal note: I’ve started writing a book for clinic owners in private health practice. It is called “Clinics in the Cloud – How smart clinic owners take the pain out of marketing, increase profitability and attract...
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Are you running your practice or is your practice running you?
After working one too many twelve hour days, you may begin to wonder whatever happened to that work-life balance you kept hearing about...
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