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Private practice business premises: mobile physiotherapy services

Mobile physiotherapy may not be what you have in mind for a triumphant move into private practice. However, with the unpredictability of commercial real estate and the negatives associated with working from home, going mobile may be a viable option for you.

Is this the right way to break into physiotherapy services? A mobile service allows you to avoid operating a “bricks and mortar” clinic and taking on its related costs. There are other notable advantages:

  • Set up costs are relatively minor and depending on your specialty may not require significant new equipment purchases.
  • Patients often prefer to be treated at home instead of at a clinic or hospital. Convenience and comfort may speed up progress; people have a better attitude and more motivation to recover .
  • As a mobile physiotherapist, you will be able to charge a premium to cover travel expenses, along with your regular session fees.

So it seems that if you can handle regular travel, mobile physiotherapy might be a great way to get your business off the ground. Rural practitioners may not have much choice, but being able to visit clients at their premises can also work in bustling urban centres. Employees, contractors, commissioned salespeople etc. are all pressed for time, so if you can meet their needs, they are likely to stick with you.

Of course, mobile physiotherapy services aren’t always perfect. Excessive time on the road can be stressful and fatigue can affect your professional performance. Your chosen niche may be more appropriate to a regular clinic setting and adjusting to different set-ups all the time can be downright infuriating.

Still, for physiotherapists who lack the capital or connections to open a dedicated clinic, mobile services can give you great hands-on experience that can serve you well later on. Chances are your cash flow will stabilise sooner, thus giving you a chance to expand services or save for a permanent location sooner.

Mobile physiotherapy requires compassion, flexibility and a high level of professionalism. Physiotherapists who are up to the challenge may be able to reap both financial and emotional benefits.

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