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Professional video, photography & design

Tell your story. Professional practice photos and videos will really help your audience connect with you before they even set foot in your practice. It’s a fantastic way to stand out from your competition.

Professional clinic videos

Your audience has thousands of messages thrown at them every day, so attention is a premium commodity. Video is a popular medium because of its ease of consumption. It is an excellent selling tool to introduce your business, tell your story or answer questions.

Search engines prioritise video content, meaning more visitors to your website. Visitors spend more time on a website with video. Video is engaging, captivating; that play button begs to be clicked.

* Limited availability.

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Professional photography

Have you taken photos yourself, but didn’t look quite right? Get a professional eye on the job. Present your staff and practice in the best light (pun intended).

Affordable, fixed price packages. Unlike other guys, we won’t just sell you prints or charge per headshot. Our packages are fixed price and include everything you will need.

* Limited availability.

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Professional graphic design

Whether you need a new logo, complete rebranding, stationery design or signage, we have you covered. We can even layout and format your eBooks to look completely professional.

First impressions last a long time. So why don’t most small businesses pay attention to their branding, even though it’s the first thing that a potential client sees about your practice? Usually because branding is unnecessarily expensive, or difficult to sort out.

Consider walking into a small business (e.g. a gym, or health spa) and noticing all staff wearing neat, branded polo shirts, with a logo the main door and the wall behind reception, plus a website that lets you know you’re in the right place. What would you think? Would a business who is not good at what they do care to present themselves so well? Consistency builds trust in a business. Just ask McDonalds founder Ray Croc.

If you need a new logo, standardised office templates, signage or even infographics, get in touch with our team. We have the experience you need at affordable prices that won’t break the bank.

Let's discuss your needs

Got questions? Need advice?

Amazing website design & functionality make it easy to choose PracticePulse. But our extraordinary experience, care and service that will keep your PracticePulse website for many years into the future!

Reserve 30 minutes to discuss your digital marketing strategy and explore what’s possible. Ask about our culture and how it guides our decisions. Get a taste of what it will be like to partner with PracticePulse.

Even if you don’t want to use us, we’re happy for you to pick our brains! Just one idea could make you thousands of dollars each year.

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Why not pay full price?

By all means, you can choose to pay the full price and get your awesome PracticePulse website. Built to world-class standards and featuring amazing marketing features, it would still be excellent value as long as you are happy to host and manage it yourself (just like if you got your website somewhere else).

However, our ideal clients are practice owners who don’t want to worry about maintenance, updates and support. They want advice on tap and someone to take care of everything. So by bundling our monthly Care Plan, they get the best of both worlds.

It’s like spreading your payments over years, and getting incredible support along the way.

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