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Eliminate risk, maximise value

The old way: Find and pay someone a load of money to build a website for your clinic, just to make it another problem to deal with.

The new way: Choose PracticePulse, with the confidence your website will look awesome and have all the features you need now and years in the future. It will be fairly priced and forever maintained.

We're the right people for the job

We ONLY work with health businesses in private practice. It’s what we’ve done for decades. We understand health businesses, local marketing and local competition.

Low setup costs, no contracts

No long-term contracts, only fair pricing. Rather than sell you a website for thousands of dollars, we offer a low setup fee and bundle ongoing value, support, updates and advice each month.

We aim to be your website provider until you are ready to retire.

We work to keep you

If we simply sold you a website (and made a few thousand dollars), we might not care what happens next. BUT when we charge a low setup for an extremely well-built website, we want to keep you as a customer for a long time on our care plans.

Care plans are designed to offer you incredible value. Keeping you long-term makes you and us very happy. Because if you are not happy, you can walk away whenever you like, and we’d ultimately lose out.

So the incentives for us to keep supporting you and giving massive value are built into our core.

Why not pay full price?

By all means, you can choose to pay the full price and get your awesome PracticePulse website. Built to world-class standards and featuring amazing marketing features, it would still be excellent value as long as you are happy to host and manage it yourself (just like if you got your website somewhere else).

However, our ideal clients are practice owners who don’t want to worry about maintenance, updates and support. They want advice on tap and someone to take care of everything. So by bundling our monthly Care Plan, they get the best of both worlds.

It’s like spreading your payments over years, and getting incredible support along the way.

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