Read now: What clinic owners must do during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Getting online

Taking the PAIN out of the Internet

We’ve recently written an article for Issue 2, 2011 of “Business in Practice”, an official publication of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Why a clinic website can do wonders for your private practice

Having a physiotherapy-specific marketing website gives you an opportunity to differentiate your clinic from competitors, bring in motivated, “self-referred” patients and keep lines of communication open with current patients and prospects.

Launching a physiotherapy business website

Launching a new website can seem quite daunting, especially if you haven’t been through it before. There will be so many unknowns to navigate and decisions to be made that it is common to feel like you are flying blind.

How can a website for your physio clinic help your business?

Every business can benefit from a well-designed Web site. The Internet, is not just a place for consumers to make purchases, but also a place for clients to get information on services. The main goal of a physiotherapy private practice Web site is to get the ideal clients to call or e-mail for more information or to set up a consultation.

Your email address

Email is a great way to keep in contact with both old clients and potential new clients. It does not cost you anything to send or receive email, and it is delivered instantly. However, there are still things that you may not know about email.

Keys to a well-designed website

As more and more businesses achieve first impressions via the Internet, the importance of a well-designed website to represent your business can’t be understated.